Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Hey You!

I am not simply blogging for my sanity. I am also blogging for Mother Earth. This is how I think my blog might help: I am going to address my concerns to hypothetical readers who may give little thought to what many believe are urgent threats to our climate. My mental image of this reader is someone with eyes closed, fingers in ears and chanting “la la la” to ensure that distressing information does not get in. I SO understand this urge to focus only on the good things in life and the things that seem to be within one’s power to fix. But I am insuffiently medicated and therapized to allow me this choice.

My therapist expressed concern that I am trying to get folks to join me in the 


Not at all. I wish I did not occasionally attend this club’s meetings. I want mankind to rally to save our spaceship (Planet Earth) from the impacts of our population explosion, resource consumption, and environmental harm.

I will endeavor to be informative, compassionate, and humorous (either intentionally or inadvertently) because I want to add to the many voices of rational and focused concern. Fingers crossed!

 I have one share in corporate Earth, and I am nervous about the management. -E.B. White