One of my devoted followers (aka, close friends who know of and yet still read this blog) sent me a link to this vital message for these dangerous and fucking aggravating times. You know what I mean if you have heard an interview of a believer leaving a packed church service who is unconcerned with possible transmission of Covid-19 as they are "covered in Jesus's blood". As a non-christian I can agree with 3/4ths of that assertion.
So, without further annoying or (as I desperately hope) amusing blather here is an inspirational message for all reality based American's who need to hear that something is being done to try to reach the other "reality" based American's under an unambiguous slogan.
[You will need to copy and paste this address into your browser.]
Cat Cowering in Covid-free Cave |
I am going to immediately review and then post this blog to enable rapid dissemination of this heartening message delivered by a heart-throb. If you would be so kind as to forward a link to this blog please do so. Even if you do not, I can imagine that you have and that I am reaching folks with excess time to burn and nothing else to read.
Be home, be safe, be disinfecting as you go.