Sunday, April 19, 2020

Fear not! Three silly things

Long time readers (whom I so appreciate, and yet wonder what they are doing here) will recall that I am something of a peanut butter nutter. The recent erratic scarcity of this national resource has been the source of new recurrent nightmares. Also, a never before personally experienced microwave hazard: a new jar I was warming at a low setting CAUGHT ON FIRE! As soon as a flame appeared I opened the door, removed and blew it out. That was the penalty exacted for having left a tiny scrap of foil from the underside of an aggressively attached paper cover. The photo (with name obscured to protect an excellent brand) demonstrates the inherent danger of sloppy removal of excessive "safety packaging".   - end of silly #1 -

Have I mentioned my love for all things rodent (or rodent like)? If not, I find them engaging, adorable, and best admired not sharing living quarters with me. From the internet's best weather site (you know the one), comes an adorable video of a groundhog.
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And finally, a squirrel/Covid related story from WaPo caught my fancy. Here is the link if you want to try to access it:
Basically it is an example what Covid caused time at home plus supplies, tool, skills, and rodent love can miraculously bring into being. The article's subject does not claim to have invented this item, but to have adopted the concept and added a personal touch (little cup).
- end of silly #3 -

May the Rodent be With You