Thursday, April 30, 2020

OK, I am going to try this without sarcasm

Stay Curious
Let's see if I can do it! I am as curious and skeptical as you are.

Today's quote from A.Word.A.Day:

I learn that ten percent of all the world's species are parasitic insects. It is hard to believe. What if you were an inventor, and you made ten percent of your inventions in such a way that they could only work by harnessing, disfiguring, or totally destroying the other ninety percent?
 -Annie Dillard, author (b. 30 Apr 1945)

Apparently there is such and inventor: Mother Nature aka natural selection working with spontaneous mutations on a really vast time scale.

I think this casts the tree-huggers, earth-firsters, and pagans in a whole new light! Those are some BAD ASS dudes!

Yeah, I failed.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Cocktails even recovering alcoholics can enjoy (in moderation)

Me:  Nov 9th 2016 and every day since
From the Stable Genius yesterday:

“I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute,” Trump said during Thursday’s coronavirus press briefing. “And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets inside the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.”

It WOULD be interesting. The experiment should be televised and dear leader should volunteer to be test subject zero (no additional snark needed here).

Truly, If America lurches to the polls in November and re-elects mostly Republicans and the yahoo referred to above, I see no hope for us. None. America was an ideal, an experiment, and apparently too demanding, boring and unrewarding for the minimum voters required for an Electoral College Calamity (2016 deja fucking vu).

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

If it were'nt for dark humor, I'd have no humor at all

My current favorite purveyor of political snark has done the nearly impossible again: made me laugh out loud, alone, and entirely unaltered by any chemicals save caffeine and my anti-psychotic (which is necessary, but not sufficient these days). Here it is in full (as an excuse to insert my new screen and mood saver):

Powerless to help, Donald Trump worries about incompetent pandemic leadership 

Alexandra Petri

April 20, 2020 

Safe at Home
Why was nobody doing anything? That was the question President Trump kept asking himself, over and over, as he gazed at the United States’ response to the covid-19 pandemic.
“The states have to step up their TESTING!” he tweeted. Why was no one helping them? The United States was supposed to be some kind of a great nation, not a floundering compilation of states, each acting at cross purposes. Why were they bidding against one another for medical essentials? They were one country! Did no one realize that? Why were they being left to solve this alone? Could nobody help them coordinate? He looked on, helpless, as the rate of testing ticked up all too slowly.
It was heartbreaking to see. He sat in front of the television, barely watching baseball (“I’m tired of watching baseball games that are 14 years old,” as he told reporters at a briefing. “But I haven’t actually had too much time to watch. I would say maybe I watch one batter then I get back to work.”), wondering why someone was not working harder to fix the numerous problems the nation, as a whole, faced with the pandemic. Shouldn’t someone be developing a plan? It seemed as though the guidance the states had received about whether to do that had been very mixed!
“Get out there and get the job done,” he tweeted to the governor of New York. If only he were in a position to offer more than verbal encouragement! He was happy to tell governors around the country whether they were doing good jobs or bad jobs, but it frustrated him to see them running low on supplies. Still, seeing New York behave as though it belonged to some larger entity that might be able to obtain more supplies at better prices gave him hope. Perhaps New York had a Costco membership?
“Some governors have gone too far,” he told reporters Sunday evening. “Some of the things that happened are maybe not so appropriate.” The governors were trying to lead, but it seemed to him that they were not doing it in the right way. If he were in charge, he would do things differently, but in the meantime, he hoped that people would protest.
He felt so powerless, staring at the TV, seeing all the reports of how badly things were going. If this country were so great, why was its response so desultory? Why were supplies being confiscated en route to states? Where were those supplies even going? If only he were not powerless to help. If only there were something he could do.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Fear not! Three silly things

Long time readers (whom I so appreciate, and yet wonder what they are doing here) will recall that I am something of a peanut butter nutter. The recent erratic scarcity of this national resource has been the source of new recurrent nightmares. Also, a never before personally experienced microwave hazard: a new jar I was warming at a low setting CAUGHT ON FIRE! As soon as a flame appeared I opened the door, removed and blew it out. That was the penalty exacted for having left a tiny scrap of foil from the underside of an aggressively attached paper cover. The photo (with name obscured to protect an excellent brand) demonstrates the inherent danger of sloppy removal of excessive "safety packaging".   - end of silly #1 -

Have I mentioned my love for all things rodent (or rodent like)? If not, I find them engaging, adorable, and best admired not sharing living quarters with me. From the internet's best weather site (you know the one), comes an adorable video of a groundhog.
- end of silly #2 -

And finally, a squirrel/Covid related story from WaPo caught my fancy. Here is the link if you want to try to access it:
Basically it is an example what Covid caused time at home plus supplies, tool, skills, and rodent love can miraculously bring into being. The article's subject does not claim to have invented this item, but to have adopted the concept and added a personal touch (little cup).
- end of silly #3 -

May the Rodent be With You

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Today it is rage overwhelming despair (mostly)

I decided to read an opinion piece by Marc Thiessen, someone  who  has been touted as a "conservative" purveyor of reasonable counter arguments to standard "liberal" bias. I gave him up months ago when he proved to be an apologist for Republicans and the orange idiot.

But the title of this article: "As Taiwan shows, the antidote to the virus is freedom" piqued my interest. I have attached the link here for folks with a way past throttling or pay wall to The Washington Post (WaPo, fondly)

I have few quibbles with what he focused on: the Taiwan response vs China's response.
But I take extreme issue with omitting why the US (ostensibly still free) was denied an effective response (spoiler alert: current national government plus American defaults).

Here are the paragraphs which rang my "Could we really have done this alarm?" 

🙈  🙉  🙊   🙈  🙉  🙊  🙈  🙉  🙊   🙈  🙉  🙊  🙈  🙉  🙊   🙈  🙉  🙊  🙈  🙉  🙊   🙈  🙉  🙊

"So how did Taiwan succeed where Beijing failed? According to the JAMA study, Taiwan took rapid and specific actions to identify and isolate those who either had the virus or came into contact with those who did.


First, Taiwan acted fast. On Dec. 31, while Beijing was still denying the virus was capable of human transmission, Taiwanese officials began boarding planes arriving from Wuhan to identify and isolate passengers with fever or pneumonia before they could deplane. On Jan. 5, they denied entry to any individual who had traveled to Wuhan in the past 14 days and had a fever or respiratory symptoms. On Jan. 30, the government expanded its surveillance system to cover all travelers from China, Hong Kong and Macao. On Feb. 6, all international cruise ships were banned. On Feb. 14, an entry quarantine system was implemented that required all travelers to complete electronic health declarations. Anyone identified as high risk was placed under 14-day home quarantine and monitored electronically through their mobile phones.


Second, the government acted with complete transparency. Taiwan’s vice president, who happens to be an epidemiologist, delivered regular press briefings and public service announcements updating people on the mitigation efforts. After the Diamond Princess — the cruise ship that became a hotbed of covid-19 cases — docked near Taipei, the government published a list of 50 locations where passengers who disembarked had visited so those who had contact with them could self-quarantine. The government set up a coronavirus hotline and proactively sought out those with respiratory symptoms. Taiwanese officials also set price limits to prevent the hoarding of masks, and mobilized Taiwan’s military to help increase mask production from 2 million to 15 million a day."
🙈  🙉  🙊   🙈  🙉  🙊  🙈  🙉  🙊   🙈  🙉  🙊  🙈  🙉  🙊   🙈  🙉  🙊  🙈  🙉  🙊   🙈  🙉  🙊

Illustrative and comforting to my dark humor


I know I do not need to elaborate why such actions were not taken at all, taken too late and/or implemented incompetently. In addition perhaps the Taiwanese do not harbor a large population of "my freedoms above all else" population. Also they are not as well armed. 

I will now peruse my photo cache for something related or simply comforting (non intersecting sets in Venn Diagram)


Monday, April 13, 2020

I really don't know how not to despair today

I daily read the excellent "Letters from America" by Heather Cox Richardson. The one dated April 12th just sent me over the teetering edge.

We are experiencing a slow motion descent into the antithesis of democracy. And apparently close to half * of voters either do not grasp this, or do not care. I see no sure evidence to convince me we will pull ourselves out of this spiraling nosedive.

In some ways, the Covid-19 pandemic may awaken former levels of sanity regarding effective and non corrupt democratic governance. In addition it might enlighten a larger swath of voters to the dire economic calculus which over the last few decades has been hugely tilted to favor those with wealth and power. Many cling to the fantasy that our modern society can somehow return to the imagined (and likely more) level economic playing field that earlier Americans enjoyed. Indeed, there have been long periods where the laboring class was able to improve their situations through hard work, ingenuity and a less rigged political structure.**

Conversely the Covid-19 spending bills lack sufficient guardrails and non-partisan oversight to prevent a near 100% chance that the spending will be strategically deployed to keep Republican donors and key swing state voters in tow. If you were a christian who voted for Trump in exchange for anti-abortion judges, then why would you not be willing to have another four years of this otherwise destructive (i.e. destructive to the already born) administration to further advance this cause?

Yeah, I am so mad right now I wish it was 8 pm and the "official howling outside the house hour". I have done it a few times now, and feel silly, and nearly alone on my street. But I will persist.

* I don't know the current percentage of non-Republican voters in the swing states who will both want and be able to vote in the coming elections. I could use a smaller percentage based on some of the polls. But we have excellent reasons to suspect that the inevitable shit that happens between now and then will have an unpredictable impact.

Actual photo of the top of buried tractor with scoop
** Here are some of the differences between now and, say 1900 America:
Way less population which afforded "available" land and resources to create new sources of wealth.
An environment that had not yet become taxed by human activity resulting in explosive economic growth and all it's costs.
A world so much more connected via transportation, communication and trade that it nearly impossible to quantify all that it changes.

Where is today's opportunity for those born into our underclasses? Unless they are at the far good end of the bell curve for combined good health, intelligence and drive, they stand almost no chance of digging out of their "birthright".

Friday, April 10, 2020

Inspiration from one of the sexiest men alive

One of my devoted followers (aka, close friends who know of and yet still read this blog) sent me a link to this vital message for these dangerous and fucking aggravating times. You know what I mean if you have heard an interview of a believer leaving a packed church service who is unconcerned with possible transmission of Covid-19 as they are "covered in Jesus's blood". As a non-christian I can agree with 3/4ths of that assertion.

So, without further annoying or (as I desperately hope) amusing blather here is an inspirational message for all reality based American's who need to hear that something is being done to try to reach the other "reality" based American's under an unambiguous slogan. [You will need to copy and paste this address into your browser.]

Cat Cowering in Covid-free Cave
I am going to immediately review and then post this blog to enable rapid dissemination of this heartening message delivered by a heart-throb. If you would be so kind as to forward a link to this blog please do so. Even if you do not, I can imagine that you have and that I am reaching folks with excess time to burn and nothing else to read.

Be home, be safe, be disinfecting as you go.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Two upbeat videos on YouTube

I managed to Skype my uncle and aunt who live in a retirement facility (they dubbed "THE HOME") when they moved in years ago. Unlike the one my parents moved to which had 3 levels of care on site (independent, assisted, and hospital) their facility is based on the "age in place concept". I ask you, aren't we ALL aging in place along the lines of: wherever you go, there your are: aging. The theory is that if your needs increase additional services will be brought to you in your apartment.  Covid-19 has resulted in every resident being confined to their apartment and the only visitors allowed are Hospice providers. That is exactly as my aunt explained it. Two pre-requested meals are delivered (sight unseen) in the morning by a staff person who scurries away after knocking. My uncle said the only thing he knows of his surroundings is what can be seen from their windows. For all he knows the rest of Seattle has been abandoned except for those still making sounds in neighboring apartments.

Among other newsy updates I learned that one of my cousins who is capable, resourceful, energetic and thankfully very funny (otherwise I would have to hate her) is, in addition to continuing her administration of a struggling non-profit from home, sewing masks for the community. As I do not have a sewing machine (having lost that privilege years ago due to malpractice) I was bold enough to request she sew two for me and my sweetie. Of COURSE she delivered. And today she linked me to a YouTube video she prepared at work before they were compelled to age in place at home.

Here is what she said about it:
Panty liner mask. Genius!

I am attaching a video we made at work a couple of weeks ago (before we all got confined to home). We sent this out to our supporters hoping to give them a bit of a laugh. Our 90 seconds of practice really paid off as you can see by the smooth choreography!

And here is a video that also addresses the struggle of crafting a mask for we hapless folks:

If you have limited time, and who doesn't, you can skip to minute 7 for the mask making wisdom.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

I decamped mid read

My current Spring screen (sanity) saver
I get a daily email "Letters from an American" written by Heather Richardson Cox. Here is a link to the column I am referring to:

You can read down the stack without subscribing (free and not used for product offers or to sell your email address).

The April 1st letter is the one I bailed on.
I have NO REASON to suspect this is a very bad April Fool's Day post. She is a serious person and these are serious times. You may not know this, but I too am a serious person, dressed up as a verbal spit wad thrower.

2018 Hamster Calendar (self explanatory)
This is specifically what prompted my dash to the kitchen:

"The news broke that the United States has been sending medical supplies to other countries while our own health care workers don’t have masks or PPE (personal protective equipment). Politico revealed that an administration official called counterparts in Thailand to ask for PPE only to be told by a confused official on the other end who said that the U.S. was shipping those very supplies to Thailand. One shipment had already arrived, and another was on its way. Vice President Mike Pence, who is in charge of the administration’s coronavirus task force, immediately halted the shipment. It appears that there has been no coordination between the administration and USAID, the United States Agency for International Development, so we have apparently been exporting the very supplies we need at home."

I am back having finished the letter:there is more. If this event does not prod Republicans in office and Trump voters to sail an altogether different tack NOW, and (please god) at election time, I guess we have a broken political system thanks to the ignorant, vengeful, venal, and cowardly who are in charge and/or delivering 270 Electoral Votes for the Fucking Moron.   Group hug anyone?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Humor in the time of covid

Combination Meter - A cluster f**k display
As my long time (or since Feb. 14th this year) readers will know: I am driving my favorite auto model ever- a Prius. And, as a reminder, this is a newer model (2017) than the one (2006) I foolishly swapped for "The Beast". I am still working to decipher it's many technological mysteries, deprovements, and inanities which were blessedly not yet born in 2006. I failed to notice one of these for several days in the clutter of the "Combination Meter". To my surprise, every time the engine is properly turned off, there is an ECO score displayed which disappears when the driver's door is opened. Thus it was ethereal in nature until I knew to look for it. Being me, I now HAVE to look.

What is displayed is an ECO score which is Prius giving you a percentage grade compared to the ideal, which I can only assume involves a trip using neither gas, nor battery, but only fairy dust. Here is how I came to this conclusion:

The four elements of the score are: ECO Start, ECO Cruise, ECO Stop and use of fan and or A/C (herein referred to as Driver Comfort). It also displays your MPG for the trip.

My Start results: I am almost always praised for my initial acceleration (almost none), but sometimes dinged for acceleration (some) used to achieve a speed demanded by safe travel flow and avoidance of armed conflict. As any one who has ridden with me will attest: I am a pokey little old lady (LOL) who should not be allowed to impede reasonable folks.

Neither my Cruise actions nor my Stop actions have yet been noted. This I attribute to my hybrid personality which is seldom in a hurry and always tries to let momentum carry me forward to the perfect position behind the car ahead so I neither need to brake nor accelerate (i.e. fairy dust drive mode). Also, LOL mode.

Occasionally I am also dinged for using the fan to circulate air, heat, or horror of horrors some A/C otherwise classified under Driver Comfort. I have lost points to this, and plan to lose more in the future I can tell you.

Now we get to the meat of my complaint. Do you recall the TV show "My Mother the Car" which unaccountably lasted a full season in 1965-1966? My harsh ECO evaluator reminds me of my Mom. One of her most notable foibles (and a major driver of my neurosis) was a nearly impossible to meet standard applied to all requests, imaginary requirements, and occasionally actual needs. Just recently I received an ECO score of 79% where I was admonished to improve mileage by decreasing acceleration. Also, I got 57.9 miles to the gallon. 

Mom! Your show has been cancelled!