Oy. Today there was an indication that the border security negotiating team may be unable to close the gaps between the parties. But there are certainly not only the two parties who are partying. The Republican "Freedom Caucus" is agitating for more wall money. And likely Individual 1 has some one banging the monotonous drum beat: CRISIS, HORDES, SECURITY, CRIMINALS yada yada yada. It seemed a few weeks ago that the Senate (as Mitch McConnell's puppet) was determined to forestall a second shutdown over a toddler's tantrum. They can do this! They can step over the brat screaming (tweeting) and kicking (more tweeting) and either pass another extension of the current budget or, my personal favorite, be adult and govern by overriding the will of a petulant child.

All evidence to date indicates that a majority of Reps lack the acumen to preform advanced mathematical calculations and/or the integrity to do what is best for the country. To the left are two pie charts which even young children should be able to grok. Integrity will have to be diagrammed by a philosopher/child development expert.
Of course the top chart should be Titled: 2016 Popular Vote. That event still scrambles my grasp of reality. According to the final results,
votes for Clinton plus all other options were 53.9% and votes for Trump were 46.1%. I was able to divine that 10% of those votes were some degree of reluctant.
I was also able to divine Today's Reading of the voting public. The NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES slice can surely be no less than it was, at 53.9%. But the reluctant Trump voters have awakened (or SHOULD have by now) to the terrible price of their olfactory blockage. This slice has also doubled, to at least 20% of the Trump piece of the cow pie.
So, Congressional Republicans: stand up, do your job, and stop this madness. You may get primaried out of this cushy job you take so lightly, but most of you will continue to get by on white male privilege as you always have.
Must go douse my head in cold water now to forestall the pending explosion.