This country will continue to quibble about whether, if, why, how, cost, fairness, impacts, yada yada yada, of taking action on the changing climate WHILE IT CONTINUES to change, and draws near to the feedback loops that will result in unstoppable change.
A new hypothesis just made public (can't be proven in a lab, but can be modeled by computers, and one day may be undeniable) is that clouds may no longer shield our atmosphere (the no shade thing). Think of all the things we are willing to act on with less evidence. Some folks give up gluten based on no medical support that it harms anyone who can properly digest it. Some folks refuse childhood immunizations based on things heard from others or read somewhere (i.e., unsupported by those who have the data). And yet, AND YET, presented with nearly 100% climate science consensus on this existential concern, they continue to ignore or deny facts.
Sadly, there is no science-informed planet to which we can relocate. We are stuck here on a "every one is entitled to their chosen facts" fun-house planet. Currently, due to the cumulative results of our local, state and national elections for the last decade plus, the idiots have the majority political power (President, Senate, state control).
Unless something major changes, we will allow our only home to become uninhabitable. But not before it becomes increasingly bad bad bad.
On a brighter note, we continue to get good tips on where to go for vacation, how to save for retirement, and updates on this season's newest clothing trends. So, there's that.

Thanks for reading to the bottom. If you did. If not, well ......................