I ask you, have you re-watched Fargo? How many times? (I have, twice, and will likely do so again within days). Have you re-watched the so called winner? I rest my case.
However, I do indulge in looking at the red carpet gowns which are panned or praised in a format WAY less annoying than real time. That was how I discovered this gem in a Slate article: "The Best Oscar Fashions Weren't on the Red Carpet" by Matthew Dessem. The article did not delight, but boy howdy did the video linked here:https://youtu.be/PloQ3iLEdAA
Melissa McCarthy is regal, imperious, and as such, hilarious. I am going to make this a short blog so I can go to You Tube and re-watch her spoofs of Sean Spicer on Saturday Night Live.