Gender based rights, obligations, access, preference, etc etc should be identified, examined, and amended unless there is a CURRENT DAY compelling reason to allow them to stand.
Today's young women (by that I mean post-boomer women and their Gen X progeny) are more willing to be treated fairly rather than protected, which I admit to fearing sometimes (see issue below).
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In today's news a Texas federal judge ruled that men-only draft registration is unconstitutional. Read more about the case and the arguments in this article: .It might be worth noting that Israel has had compulsory military service for both sexes for a very long time, and since 1984 have removed limitations for women taking combat positions. It is always interesting to parse arguments about why we cannot (or dare not) attempt something that is widely adopted elsewhere (eg: universal health coverage).
When will Americans be willing to surrender the ludicrous claim of Exceptionalism which prevents so much progress and supports so much bad behavior? We certainly have some strong historically based self image issues. But like all fondly held self image issues, their accuracy and utility should not be immune to investigation.

Maybe I would be willing to serve as an equal citizen. This expanded risk to all young people would absolutely have an impact on what would qualify as a need to reinstate the draft for a war.
Note: I have embedded a photo to lighten the mood. This is me challenging my comfort zone in Yellowknife in February 2013. The coat and pants were provided by the Dog Sledding purveyor. As should be obvious, in order to fit me horizontally, I needed to make a substantial vertical compromise. If anyone out there took a video of the time I slipped and fell in this get-up: PLEASE do not upload to the internet, I beg of you.