Saturday, January 26, 2019

Gone dark

I have gone dark on my blog for nearly two weeks. Of course it was in solidarity with furloughed unpaid Federal employees, some working under duress (considered volunteers by the administrative leotards*). Or it was just my inner sloth coming out to play.

Anyhoo....... today I am relieved that Individual 1 has declared a victory by signing the legislation that was (nearly unanimously) passed by Congress on Dec 18th. His victory is apparently being stubborn and clueless from Dec. 18th until Dec. 25th when he weaponized stubborn and clueless with a shut down that lasted 35 days. Only 42 days to agree to something he was VERY unlikely to be able shift. What a stable genius.

So, even though this offers some relief, we have only bought 3 weeks for further negotiations with this effing moron. I am far from hopeful. Needing a feel good moment, I revisited this video depicting a stunning display of coordinated  competence.

People are capable of so much, <deep, deep sigh>

*In 2009 Dan Savage was chastised for using the term "retarded" as it alludes to people with mental disabilities. He vowed:

From now on, instead of saying “retard” or “That’s so retarded,” I’m going to say “leotard” and “That’s so leotarded.” I won’t be mocking the mentally challenged, just the physically gifted. I will pick on the strong—and the limber—and not the weak.