Thursday, January 10, 2019

I may be losing it

Lately I have laughed more frequently and heartily when reading something in the non-comics portion of the the Register Guard. Two recent examples:

Tuesday in the Business section an AP article about Mastercard's (MC) decision to omit it's name from it's logo (2 intersecting circles in red and orange).  The article covered  MC's research, reasoning, and marketing strategy (skewing techie and younger). It was the last paragraph that made it funny. A quote from a university marketing professor: "I do not think it is yet iconic enough to successfully execute this new identity, but over time, they will learn if it was a mistake. Which I think it is."

--I LOL'd

Thursday in the Business section an AP article with the headline: US-China trade talks wrap amid cloud of optimism.

---So, what IS it like to be amid a cloud of optimism?  Shouldn't it be either amid a cloud of confusion or under a cloud of (fill in the blank with something bad)?  I'm going with Trumpism.

In case you missed the breadcrumbs, they are highlighted in green. It may not be me who is losing it. It may be that the business beat folks at AP are beginning to lose it. As anyone should have expected by now.