Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Starting the year stupidly

Yesterday I confirmed a text on my dumb cell phone from my psychologist reminding me of my Tues. session at noonish. I texted back "Thx" and proceeded to write it in my non digital pocket calendar on Jan 1st (a Tuesday). I then resumed my day looking forward to the visit tomorrow. Holidays always mess with my slim grasp on what day it is (retired and forgetful). I ignored text alerts from my phone that came in mid day, as these are always spam or folks who know better (and also, my psychologist). When I finally looked at my phone hours past my session start, I was appalled. Of course it had not occurred to me that she was working on New Years Day. I was bereft.

In atonement (in addition to offering to pay for the session in full, outside insurance) I decided to lift the shroud of shame and privacy around my presence on the internet diet site: Fat Secret (FS). I have been there in the past but only lurked and never connected with others. This is a long standing default setting of mine that (as pointed out gently many times by intimates and professionals) serves my tendencies toward self-sufficiency, shame, and depression. In short: bad for me.

Hence I offer to my surely small circle of readers this added window into my reclusive life: on Fat Secret my name is "Kisses The Earth" as it is here.

The history of this name I gave myself is humorous and a little non-PC. A friend of mine had what she called her "Indian name" (and calling it "native American name" does not erase the tinge of appropriation therein). I will not share it here, as I do not have her explicit OK. I knew in a flash of inspiration that mine was Kisses The Earth, as I had taken several falls of late, the last one actually resulting in a bit of dirt in my mouth. (I could not find the nutritional details for dirt on FS, so I will try mightily to refrain from further indulgence.)

I shall end this earnest and silly posting with an apt and true quote, which I have annotated:
   CDC definition of falling: "Unexpectedly coming to rest on the floor or other lower level."
         Had we failed to intuitively understand and agree to the meaning of "falling"?