Euphemisms for OLD tend to annoy me. While I do not Feel Old mentally or emotionally, at times my physicality offers a counter version. Also, I must admit so does my mind, as when I lose track of what I am saying AS I SAY IT. However, I am reluctant to ascribe this solely to an accumulation of birthdays. In fact my memory has never been something to brag about or depend on for accuracy and/or completeness. Yes, it has lost ground it didn't have to lose. But I digress (the chief purpose of my blog, duh).
Euphemisms for OLD can grate, or amuse. I am mightily amused when my Pot Store of Preference applies my "Wisdom Discount". The first time I asked if they had a senior discount (which sadly no one now questions my probable qualification for) I laughed in their faces, and suggested that this is not dependably applicable to this age cohort (being heavy Trump voters in 2016). End of rant.
New rant: Annual Occult Fecal Tests. I have a problematic history with colonoscopies. I have prepped for two, failed the first time to even begin to clear (even after additional disgusting steps) and the second time was not clear by their standards. However they relented when I warned THIS IS THE VERY LAST TIME IT IS AVAILABLE. They tested, they could not be sure, but I was done.
Hence, the annual take home test. It (as you likely know) is messy, off-putting, and likely misses the point. So I was amenable to a new-ish option of collecting and submitting an entire deposit, the better to catch anything problematical. I am well aware that should they find anything of concern they will insist on the test I have forsworn. But I am delightfully illogical at times.
I have not yet read it through (I like to savor the growing excitement) and also have already flushed today's offering. Plan on getting an update upon completion of this daunting participation in my own health!