But first I have a short report on a recent jaunt with boyfriend to Port Townsend WA for a "boat thang". I curate carefully which of his boat thangs I attend. In this case he was SURE I would enjoy myself - and he was correct! Essentially we made a 700 mile round-trip for a potluck dinner (which was very good), but it's purpose was to bring together small boat nuts who had or were going on a Salish 100 Cruise. Here is a link (blessedly outside Facebook) to last year's event (and maiden event)
Magic carpet for multi-day cruises (a bunk!) |
There were even folks there who knew they could not attend in 2020, but had hopes or plans of doing so in a future year. Boyfriend did it last year and enjoyed it so much that he may attend as many pre-2020 Cruise events in PT WA as they schedule. I found the crowd to be varied (with many women, a few of whom were the primary sailor in a couple, or solo sailors), gregarious and just wacky enough for my taste. I have been imagining how I might join some of it. However the drawbacks and uncertainties piled up to: "have a good time without me!". Here is a photo of Skip Jack at the time of acquisition. The red strip is now a lovely lesbian purple.
Now the funny. This is an excerpt from a Washington Post article about Lev Parnas, described in the article thusly:
a fast-talking, Ukraine-born businessman sporting an ankle bracelet who —
speaking for the first time since his October arrest on campaign
finance charges — directly implicated the president in the Ukraine
And here was the guffaw inducing bit of his "business" history:
Parnas said he sought out the former New York mayor (Giuliani, of course) to be a paid
pitchman for a company he co-founded called Fraud Guarantee that claimed
to shield investors from financial fraud. He arranged for Giuliani to
be paid $500,000 by a Long Island lawyer who was an investor in Fraud
Guarantee. He assumed their relationship would be a distant one, Parnas
said this past week.
Truth in advertising at last.