(As coined by Elton) for the first and last time. At this point, I cannot be SURE it will be the last time, but it is a bet I would take. The thing done twice was a deep laugh prompted by something related to the ongoing impeachment process. The source was an AP article in today's Register Guard titled "What impeachment trial might look like". This article compares two prior impeachments (Andrew Jackson and Clinton) which made it to the Senate. Here is the relevant text from the section titled: "On To The Senate" regarding Clinton's Senate trial:
After impeachment articles are read, Chief Justice
John Roberts would be sworn in to preside over the trial. Roberts in
turn would swear in the 100 senators. Last time [Clinton], they also signed an
oath book and kept commemorative pens the Senate produced for the
historic moment, though with an unfortunate misspelling: “Untied States
A youthful me with a youthful Galapagos tortoise |
Solo hilarity ensued. Truly, I do not expect to experience additional leavening emotional outbreaks as this fatal accident (Trump's presidency) unfolds at the pace of an arthritic giant land tortoise. But I hope you too get a chuckle at least.
😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎
And this silly analogy is an excuse to insert a 1996 photo of me with a Galapagos tortoise from my first solo trip to foreign climes.