I don't believe I have gone on record this week about my love for fall. Boyfriend and I had a very fallish jaunt to the coast in Little Guy last week. As it should be, the campgrounds are again available to SARF (school age rugrat free) adults. (BTW, built-in editor was OK with rugrat!). It was Oregon coastal glory: color in the trees, deep blue ocean, frothy white breakers, sunny cool days and crisp nights.
I was as happy as this feline to be enjoying a taste of my natural habitat:
Another Oregonian enjoying the cool. Photo by BF |
Also adding to the bliss was no link to the wider world. Newspapers were indeed available, as was NPR radio, and I suppose some hot spots for we two smart phone antagonists. But we dodged all those hazards. We did have one odd incident. I needed to be under a down quilt (very light weight, duh) to be comfortable at 40 degree nights. This is a global oddity. I now inadvertently default to under-dressing for cooler days having lost some personal insulation. It is taking some time to believe that I might get chilly when it is well within my former preferred temp range (50 to 65). I rejoice that I am closer to the "NORM", as it tends to prevail outside my range of control. Within my range of control (my house and my car), I am finding that there
IS such a thing as
too cool, and
too warm is scarcer. Zowie.