Saturday, July 20, 2019

The wit and wisdom of Lindsey Graham

Who knew this guy was so slyly and dryly humorous? He should have a late night show of his own. Here is what tipped me off:

(From Slate article by William Saletan)

"Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator from South Carolina, has a theory about President Donald Trump. The president is a “narcissist,” not a racist, Graham told reporters on Wednesday. A racist hates everyone of a certain color or ethnicity, said Graham. A narcissist, on the other hand, makes exceptions for those who flatter or support him."

That odd analysis certainly does make F**king Moron seem more lovable (in the way that discovering poisonous jelly fish are devoted parents makes them a good pet option where dogs and cats are banned).

Seriously, I had me a private, cold sober (no THC on board) spontaneous guffaw at 5 am this morning. Something that rarely happens when I logon to Slate to get informed of the latest affronts to sanity and decency that the national news now dependable delivers.