Monday, July 29, 2019

Revised Pain Chart

A dear friend has and will be experiencing pain that well meaning caregivers will want her to quantify. As pain is entirely subjective, she has already received (TWICE !) "surprised" responses (too high; too low) to her best guess at her current level. Does this remind anyone of a bear related children's story?

To be of "help" as is my wont, I found a set of 10 faces corresponding to a hierarchy of some sort of distress. I used this to tailor one for her and her perceived pain experience.

I was successful in giving her a giggle. I hope she takes it with her to future "pain experienced trick exams" as her otherwise compassionate and capable caregivers provide more care.

Pain Chart for the Modern Age

As could be anticipated by any ALERT READER (see note 1 below) of my blog, I am already working on one I can use in therapy (the head shrinking kind). This scale will be a measure of my current relationship with my cave (see note 3 below).

Note 1
Dave Barry had a column in the Miami Herald in which he frequently waxed humorous on some news article submitted by an ALERT READER. When I did an internet search to see when he last posted I discovered that he likely never stopped. Silly me: when he disappeared from occasional publication in the Register Guard (back when it was an ACTUAL local with actual reporters and such) I assumed he had moved on to hilarious book production. He has produced many such, but apparently HE can walk and chew gum simultaneously. I can now get this column by subscription.

Note 2 (which grew out of Note 1)
Has anyone else noticed that the miracle of internet content streaming has led to a balkanization of content resulting in the forced choice of a) no longer having access to that which is desired or b) paying another ransom? Well I sure have, and I miss the prior state of nearly everything I desired available under option: "of course it is included in what your are already paying for."

Note 3
My cave is both corporeal (a beautifully spare, comfortable home) and spiritual (assuming I have such a dimension). It is a critical tool first acquired in childhood, refined and solidified beyond reason, and employed when I am overwhelmed by everyday human  existence. Primarily it is due to the over AND mis use of said tool that I need head shrinking.