Monday, May 27, 2019

Baby steps

An update on the Prius grief progress and the relocation of a favorite window sticker thereon:

I have removed every item from the Prius into the garage where it awaits transfer on Tues. or Wed. The beloved sticker has become one with the P,  so rather than destroying it, I will let the next owner (or used car prep folks) determine it's fate.  I think I have moved past much of the initial pain of loss. But I have been wrong about that in earlier non-automotive grief processes.

Next I really MUST tackle trailer parking skill development. I may have located the trailer I will buy (thank you, boyfriend), but I cannot see myself taking either of the next two steps until I have reason to believe I will be able to tow. Step one after coming to believe, would be to have towing gear installed, and step two, to take my tow capable RAV 4 to haggle over the price of a trailer I am prepared to tow off. I think that will give me the most leverage for a "best they can do" deal.

Also, I have begun a process of making more room in my garage for a car that is 6" longer and 15" wider than P. My garage door is 190" wide and the garage is approx 214" wide. I currently have 57" of inefficient storage along both sides, leaving 157 inches for a vehicle before any doors are opened. P is only 58" wide, so it is roomy now, but 73", plus room to open doors will be another story. Maybe the RAV doors are not as wide, but I can't figure that out today.

- You may wish to stop reading now (if you have not already) as I am going to strain mathematical fascination beyond any reasonable limit -

Width of Garage (all in inches)                               
Width of RAV 4 (doors closed)                                
Width of current storage (total of both sides)         
Leaving (again, no opening of any doors)               
Width of the trailer I have my eye on                     

You can probably see where I want to take this: everybody safe and snug inside my garage nest.
Also of concern, the trailer has a door I will surely want to open. And it would probably require trailer parking skill I will NEVER have. So, dear readers, if you are still with me, a belated apology for taking you down this rabbit hole. This is not going to be remotely possible even if I can reduce side storage to half of it's current configuration.

So added to learning to back up, acquiring a hitch, etal, and purchasing a trailer, I must now add:
Find covered storage off site for the trailer or have a cover installed on half of my driveway. I do not want to subject the exterior of this RV to the destruction wrought upon my prior 2 RV's.

Good thing I am retired and adequately funded.