Friday, June 7, 2019

Not a baby step. Possibly a step in my dotage.

If you do not understand the "baby step" reference, you have not yet read my May 25 and 27 posts. Things got away from me there for a bit, and I may have failed to alert my audience.

My dotage step to which I refer above: I have purchased a cute little trailer without having acquired sufficient tow vehicle parking skills. As I am an insecure backer-upper, and never mastered (did manage, though) putting my Roadtrek Moho in a slanted parking slot behind me, I have some doubts; boyfriend does not (or is so compromised in his desire to again camp with me that he is motivated to jolly me along.)

You may get a look at what overwhelmed my usual rock solid careful financial choices:

This may still be online when you read this (it has several good inside shots)

Unbelievably, the manufacturer's web site has no inside photos. But You Tube to the rescue: If you have 26 minutes to kill.
I suggest you take the 26 min. out of your cat video viewing budget.

Little Guy
So here I am: I am driving a bit of a gas hog full time, in order to (1) not have a second motored vehicle and (2) to be able to tow a trailer I may always park as ineptly as my history suggests.

I blame boyfriend. However, it is entirely possible that someday (soon I hope) I will be so thrilled with my new escape pod arrangement that I will be able to acknowledge how very wise I was to ignore his fears!