Friday, March 15, 2019

Too early for Easter?

First, a word about English pronouns he and she:
Definition. A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc.) is a word that takes the place of a noun. 

In the increasing sensitivity to non-binary and/or non-exclusionary and/or just plain silly at times use of "they" in this otherwise previously uncontroversial fragment: "my spouse, she", we now often read: "my spouse, they". EVERY time I read this sensitively updated reference to a single person, my brain thinks: how many spouses are you trying to not actually disclose? English, for it's sins, is the default "universal" language (example: it is the convention for international air traffic control). This primacy places a burden on English to not get any effing trickier. We need a third new pronoun for referring to anything singularly human. Dear reader(s), please solve this, distribute widely, and lobby congress. Thank you in advance.

Now to what prompted this heartfelt side issue: Can one say "It has risen" and not unduly roil Christians? Can one safely say it of an inanimate (I have been assuming) collection of electronics generally identified as a microwave oven? If so, It has indeed risen, but all bets are off on for how long.

A little background: the mild (by west coast standards) snow storm we recently experienced gave us an inkling that a mere week's worth of food that can be prepared without power might not be enough in the event of "the big one" (Cascadia fault mega earthquake which, geologically speaking, is over due). In this spirit, having NOT lost power during the last storm, my nuker stepped in to deliver the message. In my case, all power does not need to be lost to create a culinary panic. How can I simultaneously nuke water in my coffee cup while heating water in my hot pot for my morning pour over coffee? SEE?  I was screwed. On Tuesday after acting a little hinky (technical term applied to any technology that eludes me), it stopped nuking altogether. In the morning before critical coffee delivery.

I could have decided this was a dog-given opportunity to break out my camp stove and do what I will have to do in the event of (see above). Did I? No, because I still had electric in my walls by dog! BTW, my microwave is an above stove model, original to this house built in 2001. And in the less than 2 decades since, the narrowest version of this type I could find online was just under 30" wide My current model measures 29.5" and fits snugly against cabinets on both sides. Despair gripped my soul. Then I remembered: I am rich! I will just buy a countertop model to tide me over while I start what I imagine will be an prolonged "trial by reality", perhaps culminating in a complete kitchen remodel which I totally do not want. I understand such a thing can happen if you simply swap out the light switch covers and then notice the faucet looks dowdy, and then... and then............major inconvenience and expense ensues.

Must end this long (predicated on little of interest to others) blog lest I lose my ever smaller reading "public". Here is a gift for anyone how made it this far and loves silly dog videos: