Tuesday, March 12, 2019

I wish I was this funny

Here is the link to a very funny account of evidence of our society's march to oblivion:
In case you cannot access this beyond a pay wall, I will add it as a Word file in my post alert email.

Now here is the really sad part. I have purchased and eaten this abomination, more than once. Yes indeed: I am a single, cat owned, aging woman with a sweet tooth and no baking ambitions. The only way I have been able to slow my slide toward death is an unaccounted for change in my willingness to stop dietary suicide. This miracle occurred about 11 weeks ago and I made a u-turn in my trajectory. I have been eating as if I am the diabetic I so richly deserve to be at this point. I have lost 29 pounds and feel much much better.

This foray (of so many prior) attempts to manage my weight and diet has an extra urgent focus: crafting a pattern which I will not ultimately be driven to abandon. So, although I am eating nothing based on sugar, I have been occasionally indulging in limited quasi sweets such as a 60 calorie sugar free Russel Stover chocolate covered toffee, or a soy based 100 calorie ice cream bar. These are part of a day's food only when they will not override my daily/weekly calorie and macro nutrient goals. So, not daily, but not never.

I know this about myself: if I have to imagine a life without ANY sort of sweet treat beyond fruit (which I love, by the way)  I will be back to sadly, secretly, and suicidally nuking cake in a mug.