I listened to an hour long excerpt of Cohen's testimony in the House. Bless these folks: Lawfare Podcast. They did a condensed version of the beer brat's testimony which allowed me to listen. They just excerpt the parts that are really salient. Here is the podcast if you would like to hear clear statements that confirm what all sentient beings have already deduced:
The President LIES, BREAKS LAWS, and is AN ASSHOLE!
Whew, I am still reeling.
See, I promised continued snark!
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
No Planet for Shade Lovers
Yes, I am blogging daily. This is the outward evidence of my inward angst. Here is my honest, full, unredacted, unsweetened, uncompromising expectation for the near future (a decade or so):
This country will continue to quibble about whether, if, why, how, cost, fairness, impacts, yada yada yada, of taking action on the changing climate WHILE IT CONTINUES to change, and draws near to the feedback loops that will result in unstoppable change.
A new hypothesis just made public (can't be proven in a lab, but can be modeled by computers, and one day may be undeniable) is that clouds may no longer shield our atmosphere (the no shade thing). Think of all the things we are willing to act on with less evidence. Some folks give up gluten based on no medical support that it harms anyone who can properly digest it. Some folks refuse childhood immunizations based on things heard from others or read somewhere (i.e., unsupported by those who have the data). And yet, AND YET, presented with nearly 100% climate science consensus on this existential concern, they continue to ignore or deny facts.
Sadly, there is no science-informed planet to which we can relocate. We are stuck here on a "every one is entitled to their chosen facts" fun-house planet. Currently, due to the cumulative results of our local, state and national elections for the last decade plus, the idiots have the majority political power (President, Senate, state control).
Unless something major changes, we will allow our only home to become uninhabitable. But not before it becomes increasingly bad bad bad.
On a brighter note, we continue to get good tips on where to go for vacation, how to save for retirement, and updates on this season's newest clothing trends. So, there's that.
I cannot make anyone keep reading this scream in the dark. But I hope you do. Because I need to feel that I am making an measurably itsy bitsy addition to the weight of climate urgency within the range of this blog. Also, I will continue to post silliness and snark as my spirit daily requires ever larger doses.
Thanks for reading to the bottom. If you did. If not, well ......................
This country will continue to quibble about whether, if, why, how, cost, fairness, impacts, yada yada yada, of taking action on the changing climate WHILE IT CONTINUES to change, and draws near to the feedback loops that will result in unstoppable change.
A new hypothesis just made public (can't be proven in a lab, but can be modeled by computers, and one day may be undeniable) is that clouds may no longer shield our atmosphere (the no shade thing). Think of all the things we are willing to act on with less evidence. Some folks give up gluten based on no medical support that it harms anyone who can properly digest it. Some folks refuse childhood immunizations based on things heard from others or read somewhere (i.e., unsupported by those who have the data). And yet, AND YET, presented with nearly 100% climate science consensus on this existential concern, they continue to ignore or deny facts.
Sadly, there is no science-informed planet to which we can relocate. We are stuck here on a "every one is entitled to their chosen facts" fun-house planet. Currently, due to the cumulative results of our local, state and national elections for the last decade plus, the idiots have the majority political power (President, Senate, state control).
Unless something major changes, we will allow our only home to become uninhabitable. But not before it becomes increasingly bad bad bad.
On a brighter note, we continue to get good tips on where to go for vacation, how to save for retirement, and updates on this season's newest clothing trends. So, there's that.

Thanks for reading to the bottom. If you did. If not, well ......................
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Advancing Gender Equality
This opinion piece is based upon the following assertions:
Gender based rights, obligations, access, preference, etc etc should be identified, examined, and amended unless there is a CURRENT DAY compelling reason to allow them to stand.
Today's young women (by that I mean post-boomer women and their Gen X progeny) are more willing to be treated fairly rather than protected, which I admit to fearing sometimes (see issue below).
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In today's news a Texas federal judge ruled that men-only draft registration is unconstitutional. Read more about the case and the arguments in this article: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/02/ruth-bader-ginsburg-women-draft-registration.html?via=homepage_taps_top .It might be worth noting that Israel has had compulsory military service for both sexes for a very long time, and since 1984 have removed limitations for women taking combat positions. It is always interesting to parse arguments about why we cannot (or dare not) attempt something that is widely adopted elsewhere (eg: universal health coverage).
When will Americans be willing to surrender the ludicrous claim of Exceptionalism which prevents so much progress and supports so much bad behavior? We certainly have some strong historically based self image issues. But like all fondly held self image issues, their accuracy and utility should not be immune to investigation.
I plan to start with this one of mine: I would just curl up in a ball of despair if I was now 17 years old and required to be subject to the draft.
Maybe I would be willing to serve as an equal citizen. This expanded risk to all young people would absolutely have an impact on what would qualify as a need to reinstate the draft for a war.
Note: I have embedded a photo to lighten the mood. This is me challenging my comfort zone in Yellowknife in February 2013. The coat and pants were provided by the Dog Sledding purveyor. As should be obvious, in order to fit me horizontally, I needed to make a substantial vertical compromise. If anyone out there took a video of the time I slipped and fell in this get-up: PLEASE do not upload to the internet, I beg of you.
Gender based rights, obligations, access, preference, etc etc should be identified, examined, and amended unless there is a CURRENT DAY compelling reason to allow them to stand.
Today's young women (by that I mean post-boomer women and their Gen X progeny) are more willing to be treated fairly rather than protected, which I admit to fearing sometimes (see issue below).
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In today's news a Texas federal judge ruled that men-only draft registration is unconstitutional. Read more about the case and the arguments in this article: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/02/ruth-bader-ginsburg-women-draft-registration.html?via=homepage_taps_top .It might be worth noting that Israel has had compulsory military service for both sexes for a very long time, and since 1984 have removed limitations for women taking combat positions. It is always interesting to parse arguments about why we cannot (or dare not) attempt something that is widely adopted elsewhere (eg: universal health coverage).
When will Americans be willing to surrender the ludicrous claim of Exceptionalism which prevents so much progress and supports so much bad behavior? We certainly have some strong historically based self image issues. But like all fondly held self image issues, their accuracy and utility should not be immune to investigation.

Maybe I would be willing to serve as an equal citizen. This expanded risk to all young people would absolutely have an impact on what would qualify as a need to reinstate the draft for a war.
Note: I have embedded a photo to lighten the mood. This is me challenging my comfort zone in Yellowknife in February 2013. The coat and pants were provided by the Dog Sledding purveyor. As should be obvious, in order to fit me horizontally, I needed to make a substantial vertical compromise. If anyone out there took a video of the time I slipped and fell in this get-up: PLEASE do not upload to the internet, I beg of you.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Boycotting the Oscars
I have not watched the Oscars since "The English Patient" took Best Picture (and 8 others) in 1997, in competition with "Fargo". It also won over "Fargo" for script and Best Leading Actor over Billy Bob Thornton in "Sling Blade". I could go on. Here is a link to that misbegotten awards debacle: https://www.oscars.org/oscars/ceremonies/1997. I was in Yuma watching it with my parents, who had seen none of these movies, so it was my honor and duty to point out the catastrophic wrongheadedness of the Academy.
I ask you, have you re-watched Fargo? How many times? (I have, twice, and will likely do so again within days). Have you re-watched the so called winner? I rest my case.
However, I do indulge in looking at the red carpet gowns which are panned or praised in a format WAY less annoying than real time. That was how I discovered this gem in a Slate article: "The Best Oscar Fashions Weren't on the Red Carpet" by Matthew Dessem. The article did not delight, but boy howdy did the video linked here:https://youtu.be/PloQ3iLEdAA
Melissa McCarthy is regal, imperious, and as such, hilarious. I am going to make this a short blog so I can go to You Tube and re-watch her spoofs of Sean Spicer on Saturday Night Live.
I ask you, have you re-watched Fargo? How many times? (I have, twice, and will likely do so again within days). Have you re-watched the so called winner? I rest my case.
However, I do indulge in looking at the red carpet gowns which are panned or praised in a format WAY less annoying than real time. That was how I discovered this gem in a Slate article: "The Best Oscar Fashions Weren't on the Red Carpet" by Matthew Dessem. The article did not delight, but boy howdy did the video linked here:https://youtu.be/PloQ3iLEdAA
Melissa McCarthy is regal, imperious, and as such, hilarious. I am going to make this a short blog so I can go to You Tube and re-watch her spoofs of Sean Spicer on Saturday Night Live.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Dreaming of Elysian Fields
Someday the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW will become, as have all before him, a former occupant. Let's talk legacy.
Presidential Library:
Presidential Libraries Act of 1955. ... In each case, funds from private and non-federal public sources provided the funds to build the library. Once completed, the private organization turned over the libraries to the National Archives and Records Administration to operate and maintain.
This is going to be tricky on several fronts. Individual 1 has proven himself very skilled at raising funds (Scam charity in his name, and out-sized donations to his inauguration). However these funds have been, well, let's just say, misspent. On a more positive note, once Individual 1 is a former president, the pool of likely donors will contract bigly and the amounts gifted by his remaining loyalists will be in line with his value as a private (and we pray, indicted) individual. Second, with the exception of a rich trove of tweets, a large archive of fawning and dishonest "interviews" by a captive TV network, and a few begrudging interviews by the enemy, there will be little that can or should be saved for posterity. It is my fervent hope we have *TWICE elected a post-literate president.
Presidential Aphorisms:
Our country has a rich history of wit and wisdom from the previous 44. Not a bad run. Here President Kennedy would have us ask: what we can do for our country?. We can craft alternate versions of the things Individual 1 actually said! I will jump start this urgent endeavor with a few based on famous former non-alternate aphorisms. And in the spirit of #45, I will start by cribbing what others have said better.
I have the best people... running for cover and storming the mid-term elections.
"When angry, count ten, before you speak; if very angry, a
Presidential Library:
Presidential Libraries Act of 1955. ... In each case, funds from private and non-federal public sources provided the funds to build the library. Once completed, the private organization turned over the libraries to the National Archives and Records Administration to operate and maintain.
This is going to be tricky on several fronts. Individual 1 has proven himself very skilled at raising funds (Scam charity in his name, and out-sized donations to his inauguration). However these funds have been, well, let's just say, misspent. On a more positive note, once Individual 1 is a former president, the pool of likely donors will contract bigly and the amounts gifted by his remaining loyalists will be in line with his value as a private (and we pray, indicted) individual. Second, with the exception of a rich trove of tweets, a large archive of fawning and dishonest "interviews" by a captive TV network, and a few begrudging interviews by the enemy, there will be little that can or should be saved for posterity. It is my fervent hope we have *TWICE elected a post-literate president.
Presidential Aphorisms:
Our country has a rich history of wit and wisdom from the previous 44. Not a bad run. Here President Kennedy would have us ask: what we can do for our country?. We can craft alternate versions of the things Individual 1 actually said! I will jump start this urgent endeavor with a few based on famous former non-alternate aphorisms. And in the spirit of #45, I will start by cribbing what others have said better.
George Washington
"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company." Wikipedia Commons
Donald Trump 2016-20??
Thomas Jefferson
"When angry, count ten, before you speak; if very angry, a
hundred." Wikipedia
Donald Trump 2016-20??
When angry, tweet; if very angry, tweet in ALL CAPS.
*Elton Slate 1925-2013
"I've done that twice now. The first and the last time."
Over to you, fellow creative patriots!
Monday, February 11, 2019
Tantrum Redux
Oy. Today there was an indication that the border security negotiating team may be unable to close the gaps between the parties. But there are certainly not only the two parties who are partying. The Republican "Freedom Caucus" is agitating for more wall money. And likely Individual 1 has some one banging the monotonous drum beat: CRISIS, HORDES, SECURITY, CRIMINALS yada yada yada. It seemed a few weeks ago that the Senate (as Mitch McConnell's puppet) was determined to forestall a second shutdown over a toddler's tantrum. They can do this! They can step over the brat screaming (tweeting) and kicking (more tweeting) and either pass another extension of the current budget or, my personal favorite, be adult and govern by overriding the will of a petulant child.

All evidence to date indicates that a majority of Reps lack the acumen to preform advanced mathematical calculations and/or the integrity to do what is best for the country. To the left are two pie charts which even young children should be able to grok. Integrity will have to be diagrammed by a philosopher/child development expert.
Of course the top chart should be Titled: 2016 Popular Vote. That event still scrambles my grasp of reality. According to the final results,
votes for Clinton plus all other options were 53.9% and votes for Trump were 46.1%. I was able to divine that 10% of those votes were some degree of reluctant.
I was also able to divine Today's Reading of the voting public. The NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES slice can surely be no less than it was, at 53.9%. But the reluctant Trump voters have awakened (or SHOULD have by now) to the terrible price of their olfactory blockage. This slice has also doubled, to at least 20% of the Trump piece of the cow pie.
So, Congressional Republicans: stand up, do your job, and stop this madness. You may get primaried out of this cushy job you take so lightly, but most of you will continue to get by on white male privilege as you always have.
Must go douse my head in cold water now to forestall the pending explosion.
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