Yesterday morning I had my first Pfizer shot at LCC. It went VERY smoothly - and why not? It was deeply staffed, clearly signed, very very organized and time efficient. This part of the getting shots into arms is working well for folks with personal transportation. It is likely only limited by vaccine supply.
I admit to being confused by Oregon's choice of adding additional eligible cohorts before nearing completion of the earlier ones. My "stylist" is a young woman I followed around various salons until she found better gigs. She has been cutting my hair at my house for MANY years now - perhaps decades. Her mother lives independently in Eugene and has not yet been given an invitation, and I heard from several other 70+ folks in my swim class that they too are waiting. I am sure there is no ill intent behind the perplexing process of selection. And no evidence of this level of craven purchase of access:
But I am left with one niggling question: are they secretly testing the efficacy of Covid vaccinations by having a placebo group? It is standard best practice required for FDA approval, which I was reminded this shot does not have in the literature provided yesterday. It reiterated this 4 times over six pages and twice stated that it is in an ONGOING clinical trial. I think I got a placebo. I have had no noticeable symptoms of having received something that is generally expected to make it's presence known to the recipient. My arm was briefly sore in the evening and so far today I am symptom free (except perhaps for being more susceptible to flirting with a conspiracy world view).
And one final affront (or likely the only one in this post): There is an amazing tool (v-safe) which is available to anyone WITH A SMART PHONE. This is getting out of hand. Albertsons has some weekly specials which are Digital.
Disclaimer: This is why I keep blogging. It is a constant struggle for me to not see the encroachment of virtual into physical life as a threat. Sometimes it is harmless and sometimes it seems just silly (eg: internet connected microwave -REALLY). I am hyper sensitive to when it might be exclusive to only digital believers. But I want my blogs to be as accurate as possible (unless inaccuracy is funnier and harmless). Hence I searched for the proof that the DIGITAL COUPONS are not accepted as paper coupons. Apparently they are (FOR NOW). And I registered on v-safe via my home computer and gave them my dumb cell phone number. This is a test of inclusivity. Consider yourself warned, CDC!