Thursday, September 19, 2019

More wit and wisdom from A.Word.A.Day

This week's theme is Shakespearean insults and includes the use of a famous one in our time and in the wild:

My  hero, Ruth Davidson
“Time was, everyone mauled Mr Trump. Boris Johnson, now the foreign secretary [now the prime minister], said he betrayed a ‘stupefying ignorance’ and branded him ‘unfit’ to lead America. Ruth Davidson, leader of the Scottish Conservatives, turned to Shakespeare: ‘Trump’s a clay-brained guts⤋, knotty-pated ⏬ fool, whoreson⧬ obscene greasy tallow-catch⧭, right?’”
 A Difficult Hole; The Economist (London, UK); Jan 28, 2017

⤋    Doltish; stupid
⏬   Blockheaded or thickheaded
⧬    An unpleasant or greatly disliked person
⧭    A very fat person

I hope you enjoyed my use of insert-able special characters each of which has the so subtle as to perhaps be missed implication that this F**king Moron must be taken DOWN.

I would absolutely KILL (not naming who) to be able to wield Shakespearean insults in real time and from memory. I deeply admire obtuse, dry, inventive insults. Here is one my dad (Elton) coined that has always amused me: "His wit is as sharp as the jagged edge of wet Kleenex". I however must ply my snarky "wit" on my obscure blog for the uncertain amusement of my reader(s) and the life saving "creative" outlet it provides me during these devolving times.

A bit of Eugene in the glory season
Let's insert a photo and fun but unrelated video here. Clever segue, yes? The video is from our friends at the Canadian Weather Network. My reaction was a mixture of WOW! and hmmmmm. Good minds are working on non-carbon based power generation. However these two little steps forward are matched by no small amount of backward leaps by controlling powers in our beleaguered country. BUT! we are but one country (with an outsized impact).