Many folks golf for pleasure (lovely outdoor activity), many for challenge (a slightly ludicrous endeavor to chase a tiny ball around a large area with a few small holes in the attempt to put said ball in each hole, I mean,
really?), and a few, evidently, to take credit for skills they don't have to feed their voracious egos. Which type do you think Individual 1 is?
We all could guess. But were we prepared for the entire truth? Have we ever been?
The most salient point from an excerpt of a new book is this line:“To say ‘Donald Trump cheats’ is like saying ‘Michael Phelps swims,’” writes Rick Reilly in the book.

At the end of this short book spoiler is an example of Olympic level cheating which only the most delightful golfing partner should be able to pull off. How
on earth does this fucking moronic asshole secure partners for golf, not to mention life?
(Here is the most unlikely free web photo on the topic "golfing" found by a quick google)