Monday, April 22, 2019

Hopey changey redux

This may surprise my reader(s), but I have been a tad shy of hope that we can change our environmental and societal trajectory. True! However, about 17 weeks ago I inexplicably awoke with a desire to quit actively wooing diabetes (as if that would be an expedient and painless way to "shuffle off this mortal coil"). So, without vowing to try for an extended old age, I simply started making my present more livable FOR ME. Results to date have been surprising:

My energy level is up, perhaps due to less gravitational pull, and better fuel.
Because of that my activity level has increased from a few notches above sloth, to middle aged cat.
Because of that my mood has lifted.
Because of that I am willing to consider that there may be a coming RESET for the world.

I do wonder if the folks (world wide) who are voting from fear of past and present changes to their society have grasped the truly horrific possible future where climate change drives MORE displacement (reduced food supplies, rising sea level, etc.) and the guaranteed human response to this: conflict, terrorism, political tyranny, and of course, war. The folks who have made a perilous bid for a livable future who are presenting at the borders of better economies (US, Europe, eg.) will look like a trickle compared to what will come as their part of the world becomes LESS hospitable to life. WAKE up and smell the danger!

Ok, that took a dark turn. Sorry.
Here is what sparked the fragile hope in my breast this morning:

So, although this young woman who has burst on our scene with too much energy, determination, and demand for change (so say many, as Individual 1 would tweet if he was literate), I decided to watch this to give her a chance to buoy my outlook. And she did. My wish for my reader(s) is that they can imagine that fundamental changes to our society could be as positively transformative as continuing on our current trajectory will be negatively transformative. Change IS happening, pick your desired flavor!

I was going to find a free online photo with a baby being cherished, and then remembered I had a good one on hand.