Thursday, May 28, 2020

Saving capitalism for future generations

From an article in the WaPo there was a startling admission by a Republican (Rubio) that Covid-19 has disproportionately effected our non-white citizens! Zounds! Why might they be faring so poorly? So poorly in fact that it has led to:

“In essence, that’s people in society feeling like one group has weathered or even done better under this crisis than the others, and there is no movement in politics that's defending the interests of people like them."

Here is his prescription for fixing the plight of those who feel as if they are being left behind:

"To save capitalism for future generations, the potential 2024 presidential candidate is calling for a structural overhaul of the economy, including a national industrial policy that incentivizes the creation of manufacturing jobs and requires more products to be made in the United States."

As Brad Pitt (doing Dr. Antony Fauci on SNL) said, "a couple of things":

What will the incentives be to enable manufacturing to return or begin here? Probably tax breaks. That has proven to trickle down with great alacrity to the pockets of the workers (see past 40 years of evidence of improved conditions for the middle and lower classes).

Or will the revived home based industries pay living wages with medical and retirement benefits as was once the case, and the reason why that middle chunk of workers lived financially secure lives? (Did the now quashed unions have anything to do with the improved plight of those workers?)

If companies do the above how will the math work now as opposed to why it stopped working? Again such wages will be higher than in less developed countries. That incentivizes consumers to seek cheaper imports, which leads to reduced market for more costly American made goods which ......... maybe this experiment has already been thoroughly tested.

Perhaps we should examine the current proportion of corporate expenses paid to the managerial staff (be sure to include perks and stock options) added to dividends paid as a proportion of all expenses. Is this different from when the math worked better? Will the proposed incentives fix the math?

And on to the assertion there is no movement in politics that's defending the interests of people like them. While the Democratic party is not a movement per se, it is clear that party's demands of Covid-19 stimulus were focused on saving jobs and lives rather than a no stipulations included hand out to the current dysfunctional corporate hegemony.
I don't feel like I am getting anywhere.

More of the current flavor of capitalism is not a solution to problems created by that flavor. We elect folks working for the group that holds all the cards, because the political/corporate/legal system as currently structured has a built in handicap. An example of this is the effective neutering of the movement defending the interests of people like them (aka unions).

Also, I have to say: a Republican bemoaning the plight of average folks who are not represented politically is rich.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Easy guide to replacing work based insurance

US Flowchart
I  wanted to share with my readers how folks can navigate replacing lost workplace insurance in the USA. I tried several methods to make this flowchart readable, but failed due to either my Luddite linked limitations or a deep state plot.

I was able to get a readable version of approximately 60% of the chart. To allow you to appreciate the ease with which one can reach a solid actionable choice, I will list a few of the yes/no questions which branch to different further questions:
  1. Do you want to bet that Congress will fully subsidize COBRA?
  2. Have or are you very close to meeting and/or OOP max for the year?
  3. Try to guess:what will your yearly income be? 
  4. and many more.......

Alternate Insurance Universe
 I was able to replicate a readable version of several flowcharts from an alternate universe countries.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

I dream of virus......

First, note that I was able to revise my last post to add the desired photo. Using a computer these days is higher level irrifusion (newly coined word from irritation and confusion). I did nothing different: apparently the planets (or in this case the electrons) were once again properly aligned. <sigh>

Today I got to wondering about the naming of the current virus and the disease it causes. In the process of poking around I found a very clarifying article, referenced here for the similarly curious:

Here my take away impressions (take away because we are not currently allowed to have impressions at a table with service and ambience):

1. ICTV is the organization that names viruses. I had previously been looking for a way to stream this channel using my Roku. I am just not up to these digital times.

2. WHO is a thoughtful, deliberate and strategic organization as evidenced by excluding "SARS" from its public facing communications. As a result all right thinking countries should immediately cut off their allowance and ground them until well into the coming Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) resurgence.