Saturday, March 14, 2020

Oregon on slow speed

Schools are closed as are community recreation facilities. So begins a test of our (certainly my) patience, maturity, care for community, efficacy and supply of anti-anxiety/depression/psychotic medications, and apparently supply of toilet paper. For myself, I can guarantee passing only the final challenge.

One of my followers (by that I mean those I personally alert to postings, and who occasionally let me know they are still there) sent me this link. It was enormously satisfying on so many levels. TAKE THAT F--king Moron!

This prompted my second post within a 24 hour period from a sane voice in the whirlwind:

March 13, 2020
Heather Cox Richardson
Mar 14

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
This quotation, from Trump’s answer when a reporter asked him if he took responsibility for the lag in testing for the novel coronavirus, will be in every single history book written about this era.
He went on. When PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor asked why he doesn’t take responsibility for the problems combatting Covid-19 when the White House got rid of the pandemic team in 2018, he answered “I just think that’s a nasty question…. When you say me, I didn’t do it…. I don’t know anything about it.” He followed up with “We’re doing a great job.”
This is the same man who said in his acceptance speech for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination: “I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people that cannot defend themselves. Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it.” 

She writes a daily piece that I have emailed to me daily. Her expertise and context is historical, so it is useful as a measure of what is currently at "play" as it relates to prior periods of political of insanity.