Monday, December 24, 2018

Xmas Overload

I thought I was holding my own against the avalanche of seasonal madness. But, alas, the manic traffic, ever heftier ad section of the newspaper, and folks sharing with me their frightening YET TO DO lists, took it’s inevitable toll.

I am fresh out of equanimity let alone goodwill toward men, et al. I can opt out of most of this except getting asked by strangers everywhere I go (to acquire sustenance items only) some version of: are you ready for Christmas? have you done all your shopping? do you have plans to visit family? etc. To which my honest (and unvoiced) responses are yes (please let it be over soon), yes (as I no longer do that) and no (they are all dead or emotionally distant). I even had to respond to my emotionally distant brother that (as he should know by now) I have no lavish or even meager special plans for the holiday.

I do however plan to have Christmas dinner with my boyfriend. In celebration of our weekly $12 Tuesdays at Papa Murphy’s we will share a take (and add an entire onion and other embellishments) and bake pizza. We will stream some dark and/or silly TV, and drive the cat crazy with the elusive red laser dot.

………And to all, a good night.