I believe it is seriously past time when we step up and call it like it is when we name anything on planet earth. Erudite people have long grasped the transience of our planet's crust, aka, where we all live. For example, the proper designation for an ocean beach is: temporary depositional feature. This is one of the few facts I retain from my college geology course (also, that going west into the foothills from Ft. Collins, you can identify the oldest formations easily as they are the grayest - but this is not universal).
This idea of being truthful popped into my head when I checked the NOAA weather site as I do daily. Often, in addition to asking for the Eugene SWAG (scientific wild ass guess) I also check out Florence as my dream of where to be during hot spells (aka, coming climate).
I was interested in the details underlying the Sunday-Tuesday high wind and coastal flooding alerts. This caught my eye under PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...
"In southwest Washington similar conditions in the past have resulted in
significant flooding in Raymond, erosion to homes and roads near Washaway
Beach along Highway 105 near North Cove, and/or erosion to campsites near
Cape Disappointment."
NOW that's an honest,
unadorned, and reassurance-free name for a beach! And likely a Cape.
We need a more honest name for Eugene such as:
Allergy Central, Hippie Dale, Gluten Gap, or Ungovernable?
But don’t worry about your address labels, we cannot agree to much of anything.

Frank and Ernest by Bob Thaves
See how much disappointment can occur with dishonest or poorly researched place names?