Perhaps it is because I disconnected. I have failed to blog since early September. I have had many intriguing ideas, but of course I do not recall any of them. Hence I will spend this time on the many out-triguing thoughts that plague me.
First, I think I have finally deciphered Cleo's "love language". By this I mean her actions meant to prompt me to show her more love.
When I am at my computer within a short time she will meow plaintively at the office door. This means: I am here waiting to be reminded how much you love me; please invite me to join you, and I will hop on the desk and pace back and forth as you coo and pet me until I am bored of it.
I am lying in bed reading and she will meow plaintively from the living room. I will call to her to no avail to come join me. She will not come. This means: I know where you are, but I want you to come here.
I sit on the couch for a read, or a "bit" of TV and she will sit near my feet and look up plaintively. This means: Of course, I know you WANT me to jump up there to snuggle with me, but I always want you to ask for this as if for the first time ever - so I know you do not take me for granted.
And on and on. Neither of us seems to tire of this "love" dance.
A few weeks ago, before our blessed cool spell with heavenly rainfall, having HAD IT with getting dressed to go to Winco, I decided to go in my double layer of nightgown and house dress sort of garment. Many of you will know EXACTLY what this looks like. To top of this breach of decorum (who cares anymore!?!) I draped a refrigerated cooling shoulder wrap over the top of this outfit. I also had HAD it with sweating as I shop because:
1. I am over insulated as well as of running hot since birth and
I suppose I got some censorial glances from fellow shoppers, whose opinion of me stopped mattering a few decades and (on a higher scale) a pandemic ago. Later that week, I read some article which mentioned a NOW "hot" dress trend (of course they mean popular with trend zombies, but occasionally also very hot in the worst sense). I have not seen this yet in Eugene, but that does not surprise me. And TADA here it is: The "nightgown dress". Wow! I love it. Short nightgowns with gathering above my, you know, are marginally (very) flattering and bind no where, while allowing breezes to waft up and under. I do not intend to purchase such an item as I have this genre on hand. And now I wear it EVERYWHERE!
Many folks deplore the softening of public standards of appearance. Seriously? With the deliberate destruction of our democracy and the un-intended yet still active destruction of our climate and ecology why on earth would clothes matter? My stand is: if YOU keep warming the planet, I will wear whatever is the least problematic for me!