Tuesday, April 6, 2021

 Excellent analogies from WaPo opinion by Michael Gerson:

Congressional Republicans who criticize Fauci to prove their populist manhood are even more pathetic. Their self-abasement is voluntary. Watching Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) debate science with Fauci during committee hearings is like watching Albert Einstein being disputed by his dry cleaner. Fauci is often reduced to making obvious points in a patient voice. Fauci deserves his Presidential Medal of Freedom just for his heroic forbearance.

All these critics of Fauci have chosen to attack the citadel of science at its strongest point. With squirt guns. While naked and blowing kazoos.


Now my voice:

A poetic and needlepoint direct hit on all anti-science from the anti-reality crowd. I am appalled that we find ourselves needing to have this school yard smack down over and over, where the punk we are trying to neutralize does not recognize the authority of the teacher, in spite of the fact that this punk is a chronological adult who is really fighting time and tide.

My analogy is not so brief and poetic, but I feel some relief having deployed some electrons in it's dissemination. 

I am recovering from a common, but new to me internet malady: I clicked on an innocent appearing site which I thought would let me download a users manual for my new modem, which was the "solution" to my first problem (losing internet connection and depending on CenturyLink to fix it). This led to the agreement to "pay the ransom" of a new router priced by the extortionist. Hence, my search for the users manual, and hence my being REALLY taken hostage: Malware that locked my computer (ostensibly from Microsoft) that warned that closing this page would require them to disable my computer, or I could "click here" to have them fix it. I did not click there. Instead I called AVG (my antivirus provider) and presto, chango, over two hours and $120 later I had my computer back (and many of my go to things undone). I ended up needing to get a new gmail password, restore my favorite sites home page, and lost my mostly working WiFi connection to my color printer/copier/scanner (which has been a bitch to keep working). So much fun to be had!

I admit, my tolerance for what it takes to do routine and should-be-simple things, and to keep my whole electronic tool kit up and running is losing it's considerable power to charm me (snark).

Friday, April 2, 2021

Interjecting some randomness into my post

First of all, Nancy Reagan has always eeked me out a bit. She seems to have a large head on an impossibly tiny body. Also, have you ever noticed how like Margaret Hamilton's chin hers is. Creepy.

Now on to the next random topic. This piece from Alexandra Petri on April 1st caught my attention.https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/04/01/are-you-brood-x-cicada-or-just-someone-emerging-pandemic-isolation/ It is not something I had previously wondered about, but since Covid, there are fewer improbable realities I am prepared to rule out (my March 26 post ). So I decided to take this quiz:

Are you a Brood X cicada, or just someone emerging from pandemic isolation? 


To keep it simple, I have summarized my responses to the 17 questions:


  • You have lost all sense of how to interact with others, if indeed you ever possessed it.
  • You are no longer a prisoner to conventional beauty standards, if indeed you ever were.
  • You are not wearing pants and resent the implication that you will ever be asked to wear real pants again, unsure how the geometry of that would even work.
  • Your singing has been described as “cacophonous” and “shrill."
  • You have never successfully made sourdough. 
  • You are truly uncertain what year it is.
  •  If you somehow got into an office, you’d be upset and confused and would want to get out immediately

No:  10 no's, so either I am NOT a Brood X cicada, or:

I am lying to myself as usual, 

I did not understand the question, or 

it WAS true of me and I knew it, but cannot let you know it too. I need all the "social" life I have left.