Saturday, November 7, 2020


I am starting to breath a little easier. But I am taking to heart that our deeply rooted national schism might be whether we desire (or reject the need) to grapple with our embedded racism and politically empowered corporatism.  The next four years may prove to be nearly as upsetting as the last four have been (for me), BUT thankfully without the daily poisonous drip from the White House. I eagerly anticipate some civility seepage instead.

I will be needing a new hobby when hanging on by my fingernails is no longer the most I can accomplish on any given day.

Also, I must add that although a reduction in heated gasses emanating from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave is a VERY welcome coming attraction, it will sadly have only a small environmental impact; urgent climate change mitigation becomes more urgent daily. The war for the survival of life on earth was damaged by four years of (worse than mere denial) active succor to the enemy. My despair was not based solely on the fucking moron, but it was certainly been made worse by him and his minions (many of whom remain in the Senate where progress goes to die).