Friday, February 10, 2023

My muse has been trying to get me blog for MONTHS

Here is what tipped me over the edge: an article on drug sniffing squirrels:  As you may recall I am a fervent squirrel fancier. Just watching them daintily yet voraciously stuff themselves at my critter feeder (a bird feeder which does not discriminate by class ) makes me smile and sometimes even chuckle. I admit that my handicapped* cat Cleo is uninterested in squirrel antics, but alerts like a normal cat at birds.

*Cleo and I are in a power struggle over my desire to control her food allergies which prompt scratching to the point of  raw skin and open sores. She likes the prescription kibble, but usually shuns the desperate offering of ANY canned food into which I mix a crushed pill. I have not found any offer that she will dependably eat. Here is today's available food which has been there since yesterday. The pictured kibble level is the point at which she comes to me with a pitiful meow prompted by her ability to see some part of the bottom of the bowl.

I have some good news about my blog for my readers: I admit that I tend to get caught up in having such a kick amusing myself that I tend to over "share". So in the interest of making these more palatable to any remaining readers I am stopping here.

Ok,: Here: My memory bucket has be rusted to the point that it no longer holds much, or beyond walking through a door. But THE UPSIDE: Shorter blogs!