According to my bio/psycho/mental rhythms, a geologic week has expired. But not Me! Not yet!
The proof is that this made me laugh out loud. That is actually the only unaltered* experience that currently can put my existential terror on hold for a bit. This is an except from an article that captured my feeling toward currently Undecided Voters for president:
Sedaris was writing about the choice between then-Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain in 2008 — a bitter election cycle that looks impossibly serene in retrospect. This year, many people see the choice as something like chicken (boiled, unseasoned) vs. flying the plane into a mountainside.
How could anyone not be able to make up their mind between that guy and that guy?
Back to me. I have changed my underwear and am ready to be surprised by another hilarious analogy (you know my email address).
You may recall (though why would you?) that back at the beginning of THE REALLY BAD BAD BAD TIME (circa Nov. 2016) I mused that against Hillary an Electoral College warping number of SWING! State** voters voted to flip the bird at the government in the insane belief that our system would shrug off a lethal attack. They were disastrously wrong. If this year they do not repent sufficiently by voting for a non-lethal candidate there is no hope.
Ok, now I need to crawl back into bed with a cat and a puzzle book.
*Unaltered currently does NOT mean forgetting my anti-psychotic, but the periods between my weekly dark chocolate infused legal pot ingestion. I get readily hilarious, as my mind loses it's ability to harness linear thought. Ahhhhhhhh sweet relief.
**SWING! State voters have too much sway and unreliable rhythm.